Monday, August 18, 2008

Charla number 1

Today I gave my very first charla (class). (Well, my first charla on my own, as a ¨real¨ volunteer.)

I´m a little embarrassed to admit this since I am approaching a month in-site and many of my compañeros have streamrolled-ahead with several charlas and are already well into planning (or have already started) secondary projects. Not me! I´m off to a very very slow start. But I think part of this has to do with the fact that I am in a new site, my schools are very hard to get to, and I don't really have a CTA (school superintendant) to work with directly and help me coordinate. Needless to say, it's been slow-going... although I've let it be that way. I've allowed myself to take my time settling in here and getting my feet under me, and I think that's okay. But I'm excited to get started.

My class was scheduled to be the third period for the tercero students (roughly, eigth grade, about to graduate from middle school). The teacher didn´t show up for most of it (I guess he had a meeting, but of course no one was informed, least of all the students), so I ended up trying to fill up their time with dinamicas-- team builders (while other teacher-less students watched enviously through the window). When the teacher did arrive, I observed their 20 minute math class, then it was time for me to begin.

I am very grateful that I had that time for the dinamicas first. They didn't necessarily understand every instruction I gave and some of the dinamicas didn't really work like they were supposed to, but it didn't really matter. There was a lot of laughter, and they were very patient with me. The ice was certainly good and broken when it was time for my charla! And by then I did not feel the least bit nervous, just certain that I could do this and that I knew my stuff.

And it went well! It was a short class, half the normal time, because they had a school assembly to practice for their Independence Day... basically just an overview of the program, expectations, and a very short lesson on self-esteem, but I still felt good about it. They understood me, and I think I hit the right balance between being serious and positive-- which is so key that first day.

This week I will be giving two more, in two of my other schools. Bring it on.

I think I'm going to like this job.

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